We gather our bodies from the sea

this was the time of distances and lilac light

thin voices carried on orphan wind and a fulsome trawler’s music 

purring safety-lights wintered overhead with a disco sweep, the black

rocks undercut a shy Autumn sky and kept the dreams from listing

here, lives saved from the dark reef and songs sung 

for those lost under stone and bubble
and our hearts went rummaging, gravel in the folds 

of our knees, dreamleaves falling in our palms

brisk like a nob of Oolong poured too quickly, our breath

made visible in the words’ updraft and uncertainty

here we fell with a soft scratch, the tiny hurt of promises

netted in the catch of one another’s heat
what is forsaken braids a lifelong covenant

sound thin as rain tapped the buckles of shoes, rows of vows
in the hike through the storm betrothed along the cliff walk 

north of Hualien the Pacific growled, razored and our hearts rumbled in the gale 

down the sheer sliding our names pebbled forever 

and forever and forever clinking, kerthump 

the landing and the child’s dream
tides and toads, tides and stones, a time for leave taking

remember before all this on the side of a road

we carried stony carapace and skin as a prayer

our bodies scampering up from the beach

our bronzed and bruised legs buttery from the pull of gravity

as the sea’s choir threw up shells and a fisherman’s memory

the trainmaster weighed only what the passage allowed, crumpled

in the cabin the cartography of children

we’d picked at the earth with blue sticks

grief inked our fingers with volcanic ash in the breeze

I spit out your name and the world tasted of your mouth

the old woman selling trinkets in rust, song out in English

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to you

as bones gathered at the bottom of the old tree, the sentry

on the precipice, the cicada wings and rusted cans hushed for a moment
along the path Eastward and we stared long and our hearts 

dipped deepdown into the faceless water while language rose from the muck

far away, something once spoken in flourishes across bedsheets

have we both forgotten

the humid words of East Asia hummed along the spine of this place

how the pictures of Taiwan traduced description

how grief scissored along the mountain range, North to South

you reached out as I licked the long scar tracking your chest, we knew

we were home

as we gathered up the glass pieces, you and I, 

each nib and syllable of the rhyme and the broken sea.